-By Marco Tulio Ribeiro, Sameer Singh, Carlos Guestrin University of Washington Seattle, WA 98105, USA Paper Link This is third post in the series of Explainable AI (XAI). Earlier post i shed light on Machine learning impact on models with respect to Biasing. Today's topic is one of the large number of elementary operations , "Linear Proxy Models" (LIME). TRUST I would like to quote Stephen M.R. Covey "THE SPEED OF TRUST" Statements here, which is relevant to Trust. Executive summary link Simply put, trust means confidence. The opposite of trust — distrust — is suspicion. Trust always affects two outcomes: speed and cost. When trust goes down, speed goes down and cost goes up. When trust goes up, speed goes up and cost goes down (Strategy x Execution) x Trust = Results Not trusting people is a greater risk. if the users do not trust a model or a prediction, they will not use it. ...