-By Xinghua Zheng1, Ming Tang1, Hankz Hankui Zhuo1*, Kevin X. Wen Paper Link Abstract Bike Sharing Systems (BSSs) have been adopted in many major cities of the world due to traffic congestion and carbon emissions. Although there have been approaches to exploiting either bike trailers via crowdsourcing or carrier vehicles to reposition bikes in the “right” stations in the “right” time, they do not jointly consider the usage of both bike trailers and carrier vehicles. In this paper, we aim to take advantage of both bike trailers and carrier vehicles to reduce the loss of demand with regard to the crowdsourcing of bike trailers and the fuel cost of carrier vehicles. In the experiment, we exhibit that our approach outperforms baselines in several datasets from bike sharing companies. Bike-sharing systems (BSSs) typically have a set of base stations that are strategically placed throughout a city and each station has a fixed number of docks, e.g., Capital Bike-share, ...